A BWP Trading é uma das tradings mais dinâmicas do Brasil, estamos buscando uma pessoa para integrar nosso time como Analista de Exportação.
– Abrir números de referências para processos de exportação
– Elaborar planejamento logístico
– Fazer a cotação e solicitação de bookings no sistema dos armadores considerando gestão de custo de frete e taxas locais;
– Monitoramento de processos logísticos, como, retirada de containers junto aos armadores e transportadora.
– Receber e analisar documentos referentes aos processos de Exportação, observando a legislação vigente, House BL, Master BL, Submissão de Draft e demais documentos de embarque.
– Acompanhar junto ao despachante a emissão de documentos de embarque, tais como certificado de origem, certificado de tratamento, certificado fitossanitário. Garantindo seu envio para os órgãos intervenientes e fiscalizadores.
– Receber e analisar Cartas de Crédito segundo UCP600
– Elaborar documentos como Invoice e Packing List conforme instrução de embarque do cliente.
– Suporte para novos projetos de exportação e importação, envolvendo documentação, logística e relacionamento com stakeholders.
– Experiência acima de cinco anos nas atividades acima;
– Conhecimento acerca do Siscomex carga, consulta de bloqueio e desbloqueio;
– Vivência no sistema Mercante e processos logísticos e documentais para exportação.
BWP Trading is one of the most dynamic trading companies in Brazil, based in Vitoria, ES is opening the inscriptions for their trainee program for 5 (five) positions. The duration of the program is 6 to 12 months with a great benefit package. After the conclusion of the training program, we hope to contract at least 50% of the class. The focus of the program is on the development of trading specialists in the areas of international commerce, customer clearance and finance.
Applications are accepted: from 1/10/2020 until 24/10/2020.
Phase 1.
Introduction of international trading.
Commodities, Incoterms, Documents, certifications, custom clearance and processes.
International Marketing, Global reach via social media and international organizations.
Every Trainee will have a product to manage and to develop.
Phase 2.
Sales, trading contracts, financial trading, Letters of Credit vs other payment terms.
ACCs costs vs benefits/ Chartering Vessels/ Full container loads or LCL.
Visit Factories and Port Operations. Meet OGMO, stevedores and container terminals.
Phase 3.
International Trading Law, Disputes, Resolutions and Compliance.
International certifications for ESG (Energy, Environmental) FSC, SBP etc. Trading Execution and Operations.
The trainee will work on all departments of the international trading process. We see this program as an extension of a graduation degree, for some one interested in to understand deply the trading process from custom clearance, documentation to Letters of credit.
Trainee period is 6 months (January to July) will cover the 3 phases above.
At least the top 50% of the class will be extended for trading execution.
1. Curriculum evaluation (based on the application form)
2. Self-selling – Motivation letter (based on the application form)
3. Video interview – Zoom or Microsoft Teams with HR Panel
4. Study case presentation: MS office. Knowledge
5. Individual interview with Brazilian manager
Due to the high number of candidates that applied we extended the recruiting process time in more 4 weeks. The candidates will be approved December 1st 2020.
Trainee program will start January 4st 2021.